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Rainbow Sparkle Time Early Prototype Screenshot

Devlog #15: Bringing the Mechanics Together

  • fedellen 

This week we’ve made some great leaps in the development of our unicorn runner project. abonbon delivered some beautiful background layers which I’ve implemented with a whole new system which parallaxes both horizontally and vertically.

Rainbow Sparkle Time Early Prototype Screenshot

Devlog #14: Rainbow Fever

  • fedellen 

We’ve put a lot of importance into making sure we get this form submitted 2 months ahead of time but I’m still keeping my hopes for a feature low and will be continuing to do all the marketing steps I can. As for the Unicorn Runner, we both put in a decent amount of work trying to flesh things out and things are getting pretty colorful around here 😀

Rainbow Sparkle Time Early Prototype Screenshot

Devlog #13: Creating Rainbows and Marketing Dolphins

  • fedellen 

abonbon has created some beautiful concept sketches for our next project, I have an initial prototype with functioning rainbow rails, and we scored four new Sonar Smash articles: Pocket Gamer, Droid Gamers, TouchArcade, and Northern-Gamer.

Sonar Smash App Store Screenshots

Devlog #12: Moving Forward

  • fedellen 

The goals this week involved pushing Sonar Smash’s Apple review, preparing an update for Astral Defense, and beginning the concept stage of our next project. A bunch of little tweaks and bug fixes were implemented this week and I had a couple unexpected walls to climb to compile a version that Apple would review.

Sonar Smash Pregame Screenshot

Devlog #11: More Checkboxes

  • fedellen 

Our main goal this week was to get a version submitted for Apple Review, which I’m planning to submit tonight actually. To complete that goal we had many other tasks to finish up which included creating screenshots, improving our descriptions, working on our trailer, updating a few graphics, and even porting in several more tracks from Abstraction Music.

Sonar Smash App Store Description Sketching

Devlog #10: Pursuing Version 1.0

  • fedellen 

Little things keep popping up such as the recent formatting issues on longer displays and arrow mode being hard to use but I’m hopeful we’ll have v1.0 submitted for Apple review next week. This week our goals were to push our leader board and achievement updates to our community beta, more sound design and audio balancing, and continue to improve our release trailer.

Sonar Smash Trailer Teaser

Devlog #9: On the Mend

  • fedellen 

Our goals going into the week were to work with Sound Design, link our Google Play Services, make progress on our Trailer, and finish a bunch of loose ends with the achievement system.

Sonar Smash Achievements Screenshot

Devlog #8: Back from Vacation

  • fedellen 

On the days leading up to our christmas vacation we went a bit into overdrive and slammed 72 achievements into Sonar Smash. This included coming up with names and descriptions for each one individually, visualizing the achievement screen, two new pixel art assets from abonbon, and lots and lots of coding.